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Chiaki Komatsu, MD

  • Research Associate

Dr. Chiaki Komatsu is a Research Associate and Lab Manager in Microvascular Reconstruction Research Laboratory with Dr. Mario Solari. Dr. Komatsu earned her medical degree at Juntendo University, Tokyo, Japan. During her internship, she realized the impact and the importance of the appearance for people’s lives. She joined the Department of Plastic Surgery at Juntendo University and started her residency. She handled many trauma cases and performed reconstructive surgeries at Juntendo Shizuoka Hospital. Due to her husband’s work, she moved to Pittsburgh and joined Dr. Solari's lab. She has been involved in many basic science projects and has extensive experience in the harvest and transfer of multiple tissues in multiple species including heterotopic heart, epigastric flap and skin graft transplantations in mice; hind limb, hemi-facial, whole eye, epigastric flap and skin graft transplantations in rats; heterotopic hind limb transplantations on pigs; and cadaveric fasciocutaneous flap harvest in sheep.

J.K. Hardesty Best Paper Award, PSRC, 2017
Best Resident Paper Award, American Society for Reconstructive Surgery, 2016
1st Place Poster Presentation, Robert H. Ivy Pennsylvania Plastic Surgery Society, 2016
Representative Publications

Dr. Komatsu has published 20 peer-revied papers and has more than 100 oral and poster presentations at the meetings in plastic surgery field.

View Dr. Komatsu's Publications